May you find your worth
in the waking world.
A merry band of wanderers and winded souls, Epsilon Cygni is a humble, yet distinguished guild dedicated to providing sanctum for those seeking such amidst their travels. Managed by retired soldier and alchemist Sanya Kalmia, he oversees all that pass through his halls, be it a simple adventurer, or one of his staff members.The guild's namesake roots from a star system belonging to the Cygnus constellation, proving as a symbol of wisdom and loyalty. A title then decided the night Sanya found refuge in the Black Shroud, he looked to the sky for guidance; to where he should take his next steps to a better life. After menial work out on the field, along with no small amount of studying, he bought land to establish the guild's base, taking in any that would repay the kindness.Its members act as hired swords out on the field, lending aid to any and all. Back at home, the walls are lined with supplies and medicinal wares, should weary adventurers seek aid before they set out. Payment is of little concern in these regards, save for the promise those adventurers return hale and hearty.
welcome home, good hunter.
The home base for Epsilon Cygni stands as resting quarters for all that seeks refuge from their travels. The upstairs acts as an apothecary, and is manned by staff to provide medicine and supplies, should they be requested.The downstairs is furnished with seating and drinks, serving as a bar for those looking to let loose, whether alone or with good company.While doors remain open at all hours of the day, the bar below is only staffed on pre-determined dates. If you're solely interested in the company's bar hours, we have a dedicated site for our venue here.
But, do the gods love their creations?
Sanya kalmia
HE/SHE. COMPANY LEADER.As the one who oversees all business and dealings with the guild, Sanya has a watchful eye on who passes through his establishment. While he tends to keep to typical business dealings and the like, he'll occasionally join his staff for fieldwork.
Selen moreno
HE/HIM. SECOND IN COMMAND.While Sanya takes a managerial stance within the company, Selen is catered toward a more hands-on approach to his work, often found out on the field as a sword, escort, or whatever else one might need him for. He's not wont to stick around for long, finding more entertainment out within busy streets rather than a dull and drab office.
adisa d'amore
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Pretium viverra suspendisse potenti nullam ac tortor. Habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et. Tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare suspendisse sed. Vestibulum lorem sed risus ultricies tristique nulla aliquet.
dainn muerte
HE/HIM. MERCENARY.As his job title goes, Dainn is typically found on expeditions, bounty hunts, and the like. His battle prowess makes him a useful asset to turning the tides of a fight. Originally hired as a guard for their establishment, he's called upon to take care of unruly clients within their halls.
Checheyigen Geneq
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Pretium viverra suspendisse potenti nullam ac tortor. Habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et. Tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare suspendisse sed. Vestibulum lorem sed risus ultricies tristique nulla aliquet.
Beasts all over the shop...You'll be one of them, sooner or later.
If this company suits your fancy and you wish to join its ranks, our doors are open to you. We are located in the Crystal DC, on Brynhildr. Our company house is located in Mist; Ward 3, Plot 47. Please submit an application with an introduction of your character, as well as your desired role within the company. If you prefer, we have a more in-depth application here.
While our company is RP-heavy in regards to our venue, this does not mean you or your character should have expertise in RP or lore content by any means. We are alt-friendly, as well! However, we will not house anyone who engages in discriminatory, taboo, or disrespectful behavior. Please respect our wishes.